Program Details

Offered Programs

The Department of Pharmacy is currently offering a 4-years B.pharma(Hons) degree programs


Program Introduction

Our program is conducted in semester system and each calendar year consist of two (2) academic semesters. The program is conducted by fixed credit system, meaning the student must earn a fixed number of credit hours to get promotion into the next semester.
As per Pharmacy Council Bangladesh (PCB) guidelines, the students are required to complete a professional training course at the end of his/her study to get the certificate. They are also required to submit a project report/dissertation indicative of their research capabilities.


Summery of Courses

Course Type No. of Courses Credit Hours
General Education Courses: (STAT, CIT, HUM, ENG, GED) 06 16
Core Courses
Theory & Practical 54 137
Training Report 01 01
Project/Thesis 01 02
Viva Voce 04 05
Total 66 160

Entry Requirements

The students must pass HSC, A-Level or recognized equivalents with the following science subjects: Physics, Chemistry & Biology. A student must secure at least two ‘B’ grades in the above mentioned subjects to qualify for admission or ‘O’ Level in five subjects and ‘A’ Level in two majors with minimum ‘C’ grade in each or US high school diploma.


Career Scope

Job opportunities for pharmacist are growing about as fast as the average for all occupations, mainly due to the increased pharmaceutical needed for learger population.A career in pharmacy, unfolds a vista full of prospects leading to a golden future for a young career aspirant, where the job opportunities, working conditions, job satisfaction and monetary benefits are excellent. A pharmacy professional can work in the production of bulk drug and intermediates or formulations and dosage foms.

Research and Development form the heart of any industry, as it is the key to growth and sustenance, where Pharmacist are in great demand.Industries of cosmetics, soaps, toiletries segment also hire pharmacy professionals. Pharmacists are highly preferred for Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA)-the most integral areas of the pharmaceutical industries. The pharma.Sales and Marketing is a decidely technical field and offers excellent opportunities for the pharmacy graduate.

Additional qualification like MBA adds to their arsenal. The emergencies of hospital and community pharmacy in our country open a new door for the pharmacists. Phartmacist plays an important role for preparing prescription after the physician has diagnosed the disease. Excellent opportunities for the professionals are also available in teaching profession where the emoluments are satisfactory. The job opprotunities for pharmacy graduates are excellent in the Government Regulatory Affairs and range from the levels of a Drug Suprintendant, Assistant director, Deputy Director, Director. Pharma-Journalism is another area filled with great potentillities, requiring pharmacy gradutes on the editorial staff. Golden oppoertunities galore for qualified pharmacy professionals all over the world.

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